Incubatee Office

 The incubatee will be allotted an incubation cell in the Incubator. The cells are furnished and have telephone and internet facility.

Common Office Facility

A Conference room with LCD projection facility/Photocopier/Computer/Laser Printer/ Scanner/Telephone – Fax /Secretarial Access.


A mini library with books on Technology, Marketing, Business and Finance is available in TBI. Incubatees can also have access to use NDRI Central Library, which houses more than 94,000 highly specialized reading materials, in the form of books, monographs, reference books, journals, statistical and data publications, bulletins, reviews, advances, reports, pamphlets, theses, reprints and micro-documents.  

 There are about 30,100 back volumes of the journals and 49,723 books and other reading materials.  More than 1,500 additions each year enrich the resources.  The library subscribes foreign and Indian Journals and it also receives journals, reports, newsletters and other informative publications and on exchange basis.  It provides inter-library loan (borrowing) services, lending and circulation, reference and guidance services.

Internet Facilities

Internet facilities are provided throughout the campus through 3 Mbps leased lines from 2 different Service Providers (BSNL & Ernet).